Explore our list of the best Metin2 private servers with active players and unique features.
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Zarkana2 PVM HARD banner

1. Zarkana2 PVM HARD

Metin2 Server   2386 Votes 

Zarkana2 este cel mai bun server clasic de Metin2 PVM HARD. Intra acum si creeaza-ti propria legenda pe Zarkana2!


2. Metin2Happiness PvP

Metin2 Server   202 Votes 

Un server Pvm-Pvm 4xReborn Rate server 900% Harti noi implementate Evolutii noi la arme + si la armele de lv 75 Eventuri in fiecare zi dupa ora 19:00 Ch 1 Premii in EVENT OX IN MD


3. Arione2

Metin2 Server   23 Votes 

Arione2 Este Un Server PvM-PvP Cu Rate 300% Global Unde Poti Selecta Ce Limba Doresti Engleza Germana Poti Vota odata la 12 ore cu Md-uri unde poti cumpara Skinuri Si Costume Dupa Site LvL Maxim 120


4. Metin2FRZ

Metin2 Server   7 Votes 

Metin2FRZ - PVM MEDIUM - International server - New System - New Itemn - New Maps - Improve Gameplay - Max. Level 120 -OPEN BETA

5. Antigua2

Metin2 Server   5 Votes 

Pvm medium level max 99 , Fără eșarfe, fără alchimie, Fără Lykan.Sistem AI incorporat.Evolutii Posedata - Triton - Farm Pentru Beta și Ultimele Iteme


6. Rodnia.to

Metin2 Server   2 Votes 

A fusion of the Rise and Fame servers could lead to more innovative gameplay modes and challenges, as the strengths of each community are combined.


7. BrilliantsMetin2

Metin2 Server   1 Votes 

Server pvm easy all rates 500 %, offline shop, multi languange, system pet, system costum,info drop system !


AstarothGlobal - PvP banner

8. AstarothGlobal - PvP

Metin2 Server   1 Votes 

With Level 255 with Hundreds of Effects, Hundreds of Wings Thousands of Armor & Weapons, Skill Costume, Skill Color Unique Appearance and Custom Titles & Wolfman Specular System, Huge Bonuses and Many More No Alchemy | No Switchbot | No Multiple Client


9. EndLess2 PvP

Metin2 Server   0 Votes 

Doresti sa incerci un server pvp fara farm? doar cu pescuit jigsaw? atunci EndLess2 este solutia, este un PvP classic, fara tot felul de prostii. Evolutii clasice / Batalie-Triton-Beta / Otel-Posedata-Beta, Monede euro, personalizate 2D cat si 3D, Dojang-uri lunar, si multe evenimente zilnice.


10. ~ SEISHIN ~

Metin2 Server   0 Votes 

Seishin is a project which is now online since 08.10.2021, before that the project was 5 months in a beta and much longer in an alpha phase.


Aurelia2 120 MID/NEW banner

11. Aurelia2 120 MID/NEW

Metin2 Server   0 Votes 

The Server is a mid-/ newschool server Max Lvl 120 International ! on which you have to farm very much and and you will experience a lot of variety with different dungeons.